General Tire

Website Design, Website Development, Viral Campaigns

Case Study

Project Description

General Tire is a major tire manufacture, focused on the tradition of off-road racing and offers a complete line of quality, ultra-high performance, passenger, light truck, off-road, and commercial tires.
General Tire is part of Continental Tire the Americas, LLC and is based in Fort Mill, SC. With sales of €30.5 billion in 2011,

Challenges and Objectives

General Tire had a website that was primarily Flash and very outdated. The site was overly graphics intensive with poor usability. The objective was to create a "Wow" site that was usable and was able to meet the clients goals of promoting the brand and have a broader reach.

The Solution

I really wanted to design a site that would have a lot of visual impact. This is a fun genre with a large following of dedicated fans. The oversized images and parallax on the homepage capture the user attention, while driving users deeper into the site.

Tieing together the racing aspects, the tire quality, and the social channels was peremount to the success of the site. The site needed to me managed in a work-flow scenario, so we chose Sitefinity which was able to run on their current infrastructure and pass Continentals requirements.

Responsive design and development was fairly new, we decided it was a necessity to meet the clients goals.

The Results

The site is able to promote the racing scene and the brands influence, the tire selection, and the social aspects the client desired. It's one of the few responsive and parallax sites after a year of being live. Hundreds of requests come in each month for sponsorship.

During the time of the launch, several successful viral campaigns have been executed with more on the way.

Creative Direction, Information Architecture, Website Design, HTML/CSS /jQuery Prototyping Templates and Standards Development, Project Management
Time frame: 1year +

Viral Campaigns

General Tire contracted DeepBlue to help with their social campaigns, and when the GI Joe sequel movie came out we rushed to develop a contest they were involved in. During the fiasco of the movie postponement we decided to re-tool our viral campaign to a General Tire focused photo contest. The contest received over 1000 entries which we managed through the project life-cycle.

Anywhere is Possible - Campaign